What is a Profile page?

A profile page is your unique user page on the site. It’s not searchable within the site’s search engine but can be viewed as it’s linked to any events, groups, practitioner listings or forum posts you create. User’s can click your profile link to read more about you if you have provided that information. Profile pages will also aggregate any events or groups you have created and list them on the page.

If you wish to fully promote your spiritual or holistic services it’s best to create a dedicated practitioner’s listing and a Group page as these are fully searchable.

For example, all users have a single profile page,  users can create one or multiple practitioner listings which is useful if you’re a business with many practitioner’s working for you. Users can also create one or multiple group pages as well. You can then use a group page as your main dedicated home page on the site and then attach any events related to that group you’re hosting to it.  For example, you might want to create a yoga group and only add yoga events to it, then create a meditation group and only add your meditation groups to that. Each group page has it’s own forum, location, description and members.

To get the most out of the website we recommend:

  • Fully populate the bio fields on your profile, upload a nice photo and add any images, see here.
  • Create a group page, this would be your dedicated business home page.
  • Create any events you’re hosting.
  • Then attach your events to your group page. You can attach events to your group once you publish your event.
  • If you’re a practitioner, then add yourself into our fully searchable practitioner directory as well.
  • When creating your practitioner listing you can attach your group as well. Your group will then be linked from your listing and display any events within your group on your practitioner listing.

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